Source: ShelterBox
Date: 11 Mar 2011
Earthquake and tsunami leaves Japan reeling – UK-based disaster relief charity, ShelterBox responds…
Homes have been washed away, thousands of people are unaccounted for and the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan today continues to rise.
The catastrophic scenes from north-east Japan have shocked the world. Fires have raged out of control, fissures have cracked the land and torrents of water have swept away cars, boats and buildings. The humanitarian response to the disaster began immediately and a three-person ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) is already en route to Japan.
Three of ShelterBox's most experienced SRT members, Lasse Petersen (AU), Mark Pearson (UK) and John Diksa(FR), are spear-heading the response and will be drawing on all of their skills and experience in delivering emergency disaster relief as they fight to overcome the challenges ahead.
Mark Pearson led ShelterBox's response to the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, and the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods in 2010. He was in Port au Prince, Haiti's capital, less than 36 hours after the January earthquake last year and says the lessons learnt from there will be essential.
'When you arrive in a country in the immediate aftermath of a disaster you have to be prepared to operate quickly, effectively and make the right decisions under pressure,' he said.
'We're there to help, not to add to the burden, so we make sure we're completely self-sufficient. Operationally, the Haiti earthquake was one of the toughest tests we've faced and it's vital we apply the lessons we learnt there to our response in Japan.
'One of the biggest challenges facing us in Japan will be the logistics of reaching the affected are. The north-east of the country is a very remote area and with the infrastructure being either damaged or wiped-out it's going to be a real battle to find out where the greatest need lies.
'We'll be working closely with regional and national authorities as well as other aid agencies operating in the field to ensure there is a coordinated effort to reach the people in most need.'
The situation in Japan is still unclear and the scale of the disaster continues to unfold. Scientists say the earthquake was 8,000 times stronger than the earthquake that rocked Christchurch, New Zealand, last month. ShelterBox stands by to respond in whatever capacity is required as the extent of destruction and the scale of need becomes clear.
ShelterBox Founder and CEO, Tom Henderson, said: 'The outpouring support we've witnessed today from around the globe is phenomenal. Once again our supporters are going the extra mile with their acts of generosity; we can't thank them enough. Our thoughts are with everyone affected during this tragic time and we are ready to help in whatever way we're needed.'
For more information contact:
Katy Creates – ShelterBox on 07584489194 , +44 (0)1326 569782 or
Chris Warham or Zoe Ensor – Bell Pottinger on +44 (0) 1625 500800 or
Public donations are vital to ShelterBox's continuing work. To make a donation please ring +44 (0)300 0300 500 or go to to donate online and get the latest updates on our response to disasters around the world.
• For more information on where ShelterBox has delivered aid in the last decade, go to
• For high resolution images you can either:
o contact Katy Creates on +44 (0)1326 569782 or
• For more information on ShelterBox please contact Katy Creates on +44 (0)1326 569782 or 0044 (0)7584 489194.
About ShelterBox
ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that provides emergency shelter and life-saving supplies to families around the world who are affected by disasters. In ten short years ShelterBox have responded to earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, landslides, typhoons and conflict, delivering lifesaving aid to families across the globe at a time when they need it the most.
ShelterBox aims to help the areas where the need is greatest by providing shelter, warmth, comfort and dignity to families in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Each big, green ShelterBox is tailored to every disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water purification and storage equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children's activity pack and other vital items.
From the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, there is no disaster too big or too small for ShelterBox. Simply put, if there is an unmet need for emergency shelter, the charity will do everything in its power to meet that need.
ShelterBox relies entirely on public donations and could not operate without the generosity of people the world over. A box can be sponsored for £590 – this takes into account the costs of all materials, packing, storage, transport worldwide and delivery to families most in need at a time of disaster by a team of highly trained volunteers.
Since its inception in 2000, ShelterBox has firmly established itself at the forefront of international disaster relief, providing emergency shelter for the people who need it most on every continent.
For all the latest information on ShelterBox's work around the world, including ways you can help, please visit
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